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sherry marshall - board president

Sherry joined the board as a director in October 2005, she wanted to give back in our community and a friend invited her to take part in their "Take Back the Night" walk. She has played a key role with the Society ever since. Sherry has watched the Women's Resource Society grow bigger every year, with so many important programs being developed and implemented into our portfolio. 
Her favourite being "Kids for Xmas" program.
"I love being a part of a community that gives back so generously, and that I can see, how helping can be so life changing and so uplifting to those who just need a hand to stand." 


selena dicaire - Vice President

Amy Irvine - Treasurer

Amber Lindley - Secretary

jamie parsons - Director

Stephanie Attachie - director

April Bordeleau - director

Brittany Brinkworth - director


The Board can be contacted by email at